
Marie-Eve Joos

Hi! My name is Marie-Eve and I moved from Europe to the USA for work, in 2012. I started practicing power yoga in 2015 as an "easy way to workout”, aiming for a healthier lifestyle. After just a few months, I began to notice the benefits of yoga on my body. I felt stronger, more aware of my posture and of the way I was moving. I completed my RYT-200 training with CorePower Yoga in 2018. I love that 110 Yoga is focusing on alignment and strength over stretch because this is the type of yoga that made me stronger and healthier. In my classes, I aim for a fun strength-based flow, connecting breath with movement, and I love creating playlists with good uplifting beats.

I am passionate about nature and leading an active lifestyle. I spent most of my childhood surrounded by horses due to my parents running a non-profit organization designed to protect mistreated/senior horses. Outside of yoga, I love walking, hiking, biking, pretty much anything outdoors. Whenever I can, I go for an active trip, where I explore nature, immerse myself in the culture and try local food. I love listening to some good music, eating healthy and making people smile.